Jeremy McPhail
Jeremy McPhail

Head of Investments


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Supporting the next generation on their financial journey

Working closely with our clients over more than 20 years, we’ve learned that supporting your children's prosperity is as important to you as your own financial planning.

The next generation may not need their own financial adviser yet, but they do need easy ways to learn more about money and get started with budgeting, saving and investing.

That’s why we created partnerships to deliver the general financial knowledge, tools and platforms that people under 35 need most to achieve their financial goals. Tools like budgeting and credit score trackers, as well as easy access to secure online investing, with portfolios constructed by the FMD Investment Committee.

The financial challenges young people face are real and significant.

New research by 89 Degrees East published in the Guardian Australia, found 61% of Australians think the dream of home ownership is dead.

Our post-war social covenant to leave the next generation with better fortunes than we inherited is at risk. Many young professionals – even those who earn great incomes, face a difficult trifecta:

  1. They are renting and paying a premium for their current housing
  2. The rising cost of living makes it difficult to save a deposit to buy
  3. The longer they’re locked out of the market, the more money they need to get in.

While older generations used their salary and savings to invest in property, the reality is that most millennials will need to build wealth faster while renting, to be able to get a foot on the property ladder at all.

One of the golden rules of building wealth is starting early enough to see your returns compound. So, if the next generation isn’t investing in property at a young age, it’s crucial to be investing in something else, to allow the magic of compounding to work for them.

We're proud to be investing in the health, wealth and happiness of the next generation because we know their wellbeing is so important to you. Share this post with the young people in your life.

They can check out our online investment platform, Rev Invest, and use the QR code below to get free access to premium, fun financial education through the FMD/Flux Finance app.

Rev Invest helps under 35’s get ahead faster

Build wealth faster with easy, low-cost access to secure online investing, with ETF portfolios constructed by the FMD Investment Committee. Choose from one of five portfolios designed for different investment goals and horizons. Explore our portfolios, see past performance and open an account in minutes at

Flux delivers the financial education your kids didn’t get at school

Flux finance is a popular app already helping more than 400,000 Aussies win at money. We’ve partnered with Flux to offer under 35’s in our FMD community free access to premium app features that normally require a paid subscription. They can check their credit score and learn simple ways to improve it. Or use the easy budgeting tool, with a consolidated view of all their accounts in one place to get serious about saving.

Just snap the QR code below to download the app and get started!

General advice disclaimer: This article has been prepared by FMD Financial and is intended to be a general overview of the subject matter. The information in this article is not intended to be comprehensive and should not be relied upon as such. In preparing this article we have not taken into account the individual objectives or circumstances of any person. Legal, financial and other professional advice should be sought prior to applying the information contained on this article to particular circumstances. FMD Financial, its officers and employees will not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by any person acting in reliance on the information contained on this article. FMD Group Pty Ltd ABN 99 103 115 591 trading as FMD Financial is a Corporate Authorised Representative of FMD Advisory Services Pty Ltd AFSL 232977. The FMD advisers are Authorised Representatives of FMD Advisory Services Pty Ltd AFSL 232977. Rev Invest Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of FMD Advisory Services Pty Ltd AFSL 232977.